The event weekend took place 11th – 13th October 2024, with the race itself being held 12th October.
Location of the event was: Jönköping, Sweden.
Nine European Prison Service teams took part this year. These were:
Northern Ireland
The running conditions were perfect with bright blue skies and cooling chill to the air. The course itself was mostly flat, with a couple of steady inclines. The course had some technical difficulties with parts of it being over gravel and through some patches of mud. 47 men and 31 women took to the start line for the 2024 European Cross Country Championships.

Results of the event were as follows:
Individual positions for England and Wales:
Mens event: (10k distance)
Joshua Burgess – 1st
Simon Haywood (Team Captain) -22nd
Andrew Dunkerley – 12th
Tim – 37th
Jonathan Kearsley – 3rd
Alexander Niciecki – 38th
Mark Ridout – 39th
Ladies event: (5k distance)
Lucy Marchi – 14th

Team positions:
Mens event:
England and Wales (A team) – 1st (Joshua Burgess, Jonathan Kearsley, Andrew Dunkerley)
England and Wales (B team) – 8th (Simon Haywood, Tim, Alexander Niciecki)
The England and Wales ladies did not finish a team due to only having one runner.
2024 qualifying team members that were unable to join us in Sweden were:
Paul Murphy – unable to come to Sweden
Deborah Stevens – Unable to come to Sweden
Eleanor Langridge-Brown – Unable to come to Sweden - injured
Louise Ambler (Team Captain) – Went to Sweden but did not run - injured
The next Prison Service European Cross Country Championships will be held on 3rd – 5th October 2025 and will be hosted by Germany.
2025 Qualifier:
The qualifier European Cross country championship qualifier for this event will be held on Wednesday 12th March at Newbold Revel where the fastest 4 females and fastest 6 males to complete the race will qualify for the next European Cross country championships to represent the England and Wales Prison Service.