Secretary: Dave Hough.
Treasurer: Steve Kay.
The most recent incarnation of the National Golf Association can be traced back to the inaugural England v. Scotland international match held in 1974. This was the brainchild of Jock Brydon, a Scotsman working in England, who organised through his many friends and colleagues on both sides of the border, a challenge match to be held annually and alternatively in both countries.
Seeing the need to make the selection process as fair as possible, a National Qualifier/Championship was instigated, giving everyone in England and Wales the opportunity of qualifying for the English team. A man who was to become a great supporter and benefactor to the English Prison Service Golf, retired Governor Bill Ritson, donated the still played for trophy that has over the years been graced with the names of many exceptional golfers, not least of which is that of Harry Ashby, the only man in history to win the English Amateur Championship in consecutive years. The flagship event is 36 holes scratch with the top 12 qualifying to play against Scotland and 13 -24 qualify to play against Northern Ireland.
We also have other representative matches, playing against the British Civil Service, Police and the Combined Services and also enter teams into the British Civil Service Team Championships.
The golf association does not however exist purely for the minority of more accomplished golfers, quite the contrary in fact. Funding is provided to all regions whose representatives work tirelessly organising events throughout the country, for players of all levels in predominantly handicap competitions. The year 2003 saw the first National Handicap Championship, and 2008, the first National Pairs Championships giving everyone the opportunity of competing at national level. These events are well supported and attract 40 to 50 male and female golfers from establishments nationwide.
Secretary: Dave Hough.
Treasurer: Steve Kay.